Thursday, May 19, 2011

Climbin' In Yo Windows (Blog Marathon 2)

Your house should be something you feel safe in. It is yours after all, why should you think any harm could come to you? Home has a feel to it that just feels so snug. A perfect feeling. But those feelings can be changed. Sometimes, horrible things can happen, which change your Ideas of everything you thought before.

In a book I just finished called Saturday, by Ian Mcewan, or main character, Henry, gets into some fisticuffs with some prestigious gentlemen from a lap dancing club. Unfortunately for Henry, the men are not happy with Henry's use of wit to take on their brute force. So they end up following his wife home, and intruding on his family reunion, with a knife. I will not spoil the ending, but I thought about how if this was a real person's story, that he would have a changed idea of how safe his house is, and rightfully so.

I hate the feeling of being traumatized. It has happened to me before, not the men coming into my house with a knife, but being traumatized, and I have to say it is life changing. You end up never thinking about the thing in the same way. No matter how hard you try, something big has changed in your mind, and you can do nothing. The feeling is there.

It's a horrible feeling.


  1. I completely agree with all of these things in your blog and it reminded me of many events in my life. I think you could have related it a little more to the book but it was a very good blog post overall.

  2. Good post Theo! You explained your ideas well and I agree with them. Maybe you should spen more time on your actual thoughts than the summary. That is all. SCRAW!
