Saturday, June 18, 2011

Last post ever

When I leave M.S. 51 I am never going to write on my blog again. It has been rather annoying for me to have to write about what I'm reading, what thoughts are in my head. I like to keep my thoughts in my head, where they wont have a chance to be shared. In some respects, I am a very private person, in others I am outgoing, but when it comes to my thoughts, I like a more personal approach, rather then electronic one.

I think this blog would have been a lot better, if I didn't have a deadline. Having the words, blog post due Friday, on the board every week, makes the task more daunting, then a way to expand my ideas and thoughts. If the blog was more free from and I didn't have to do one every single week, for a grade, then I'm sure it would be a better experience.

A question on Mrs. Rear's blog I saw, was something like, "do teenagers abuse the power of being able to say things online that they would not say in person." Oh definitely. I have been guilty of this many times. They don't always have to be bad things, but the Internet makes things so much easier to say things on your mind, because you don't have to think of immediate consequences.

Thanks for all the non - existent memories "Kentucky Fried Writing".
                         - Theo

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just gorgeous

Lets cut to the chase. My book is about a Jewish family who own a restaurant in midtown Manhattan, and being the Jewish Russian immigrants they are, they always use the word gorgeous. Everything is just gorgeous to them. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. They can't get enough of it, and neither can I. So basically today, I want to talk about the word of the day: Gorgeous.

When something is gorgeous, what do we think off? I think of something that is not beautiful. It can be rather close to beautiful, but there is just something lacking from the whole word itself. Beautiful is an adjective that in itself is beautiful. Gorgeous is more of the word of the common folk, something that anyone can use to just describe anything. While beautiful is used to describe the greater things in life. Flowers, paintings, culture, people. Gorgeous is used to describe things like hats, and excessive make - up use.

Gorgeous is common folk words. It is the scum of the bottom feeders, no one will touch it. Soviet Russia wants to crush the word itself. It must perish.

I really let that blog post leave my grasp as well.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


At this moment in time, my philosofamily is reading a book called The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, much to the dismay of Michael, who thinks this book is so horribly boring, that he would rather be doing something completely different. Wow, how original. I personally think the book is great, but it does take a little while for things to get interesting.

Once things do get interesting, we meet a wonderful character named Ray Gatsby, who lives the social life like never before. His house is packed with random strangers, many who just arrive by themselves. All the time he is just waiting for something, which I won't spoil. Our main character calls this man, "the great Gatsby", hence the tittle of the book. I know this is a pretty ordinary and vague question, but what makes someone great?

If a monarch or a athlete is particularly good at doing his or her job, then they may be referred to as great, but Gatsby is no Monarch. So why does he receive this illustrious tittle? Well, I think it is because he is somewhat of a legend. Even though great is not the best of word choices, if someone called me great, I would be very happy, and rather bashful. of course, Gatsby is always bashful, and...

I really lost track of my thoughts here.

Great is a tittle, I think is weak in word choice, but powerful as a complement.

Which of course is why everyone buys Frosted Flakes

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Climbin' In Yo Windows (Blog Marathon 2)

Your house should be something you feel safe in. It is yours after all, why should you think any harm could come to you? Home has a feel to it that just feels so snug. A perfect feeling. But those feelings can be changed. Sometimes, horrible things can happen, which change your Ideas of everything you thought before.

In a book I just finished called Saturday, by Ian Mcewan, or main character, Henry, gets into some fisticuffs with some prestigious gentlemen from a lap dancing club. Unfortunately for Henry, the men are not happy with Henry's use of wit to take on their brute force. So they end up following his wife home, and intruding on his family reunion, with a knife. I will not spoil the ending, but I thought about how if this was a real person's story, that he would have a changed idea of how safe his house is, and rightfully so.

I hate the feeling of being traumatized. It has happened to me before, not the men coming into my house with a knife, but being traumatized, and I have to say it is life changing. You end up never thinking about the thing in the same way. No matter how hard you try, something big has changed in your mind, and you can do nothing. The feeling is there.

It's a horrible feeling.

Tickles Me Funny Bone (Blog Marathon 1)

Humor. The essence of many lives and careers, brought into focus through comedy. Being funny. It is a way many choose to relax, or make things better. Got fired from your job? Make a funny joke. Cat just died? Well, screw that, I feel like laughing, and so should you.

Why am I speaking of humor? What devil witchcraft has brought that word into my sacred blog? Well, I am reading a wonderful book by the name of Experience, by Martin Amis. In this book, subtle laughs are behind each page, and no story is without a chuckle. Even on the back does it say; "Experience is the only book I have ever read, that keeps me laughing all the way through." I almost entirely agree, except I am not one to laugh out loud at most anything, let alone a book. Still, high praise indeed.

It started to make me think about what makes a book good? I have read so many books, but all the ones that stand out have no comedy in them. They all are serious, and sullen, and sometimes witty, but never plain funny. As easy as it is to make a comedy movie, a comedy book seems to be impossible. Classics do not include those books about Butts, they came from Uranus or something. The Classics are Charles Dickens, Shakespeare and Tolstoy. No pure comedy.

The world needs funny books.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

H to the I

It is finally time for me to come clean about something. I absolutely hate hipsters. They are all so stupid, with the way they try to act cool by acting like they are not trying to act cool (that was complicated, but you will get it). They all have such good lives, living in their condominiums with others of their kind, enjoying the luxuries of the upper west side, eating good but over priced food. I hate them all.

And yet I want to be just like them.

They are my Idols. Not the fake ones who wear expensive clothes and rip them with scissors to make them look wore. No, not them, but the poser generation X's. The ones who left lalapolooza for the joys of cafes. I want to sit in a cafe, read a Virginia Woolf novel, and sip an over priced but not half bad espresso. That would be the day...

Of course, I begin to think about all this because in my book, Saturday by Ian McEwan, The neurosurgeon comes downstairs to find his young adult son eating a yogurt with tons of dried fruits and granola. A very hipster - ish thing to do.

Just what I want to do.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I want to be a fireman!

In childhood, we all want to be famous, or something along those lines. A famous chef, a famous doctor, a famous musician, a famous athlete. The possibilities are endless. In the very start of a book I am reading called Saturday by Ian Mcewan. The book starts off with a day in the life of a neurosurgeon, who goes from surgery to surgery like he's a fat kid in a candy store. We soon meet his son, Theo (what a coincidence) who is in a minor London indie blues band. It shows the almost awkward father and son bond they have acquired due to the difference in their careers.

They get only about two minutes of conversation out of a airplane that recently flew by their house in flames. They have no bonds whatsoever. I thought about it in my life. Not how my father is a musician and I will never amount to anything in the world of music, but in the way that we will all soon be going off to high school, and most friendships will be broken, due to the fact that people are going to all different schools.

For some reason, the fickle condition of the human mind, will in most situations stop people from making or keeping friends who do not go to the same school, or are in the same line of work. I know that you don't always have much bonding time when you are not in the same place 7 - 9 hours a day. I simply don't think that statistic stops people from keeping friends who they have known for years.

Strong bonds shouldn't break.