Monday, September 27, 2010

In a nutshell

Okay, on friday, I was really sick, strep throat or something bad. Any way, I called Eamon for the H.W. and he told me we needed to do an entry, and it is on something like archetypes, I hope, so here goes nothing. I feel the archetypes in Charlottes Web are a strong bunch of, well, they're a strong bunch. Wilbur is up first. wilbur is our hero, our main man, the protagonist in our dark, yet so wise children's book. He is aided on his quest of sitting on manure and eating slop, by Charlotte the spider. She is Wilbur's mentor, not only because she literally teaches him new words, but because she has that mentor like feel, wise and soon to die, she is not afraid for herself, but for Wilbur. Charlotte is not only the mentor in the story, she is also the motherly figure. She is always by Wilbur's side when the mean old goat insults. She loves him, and sets limits on what he does, and how he does it. Templeton, my favorite character in the book, I feel, is the guy who shows wilbur, that there are greedy, mean, selfish people out there in the world, and shows him how to deal with them (though certainly not intentionally). Fern is that kind of character, I'm sure it as a name, who is there in the first part of the story, but sort of fades away after his/her big deed is done, such as saving the hero, or sending him/her on their quest. Guess who I think the bad guy is. Death. Death is what Charlotte is trying to save Wilbur from, death is the big hill in the quest, which Wilbur must climb, death is the bad guy. And that is what I have discovered makes Charlottes web so amazing. Death in his first lead.


  1. hi theo, ilove your piece; your piece touches me in an inner level, and your words priase the death as if it is a stepping stone. Great Piece!

  2. okay, so i really like this because its really funny, and really true at the same time. its also like, really inviting, and i know i'm using the word really a lot. but thats really what it is. REALLY.
    Another thing i noticed about this was that it was reapretty organized, and it gets straight to the point. AWSUME, GOOD WORK,
    (this actually makes me pretty self-consciouse about my bloggs. dont read them. their boaring.
