Friday, October 22, 2010

If I was a hero, I would sit down and cry

       In almost every book I have ever read, there is a hero. A person who solves the problem, either in a little way by picking up litter on the freeway, or in the book I am reading, the hunger games, saving someones life by beating up bad guys. Go Peeta. And after thinking about it, I realize that being a hero sucks. Every community has a hero, a person who sits on their stoop, and stares down teenagers, and these people are great. But they come at a price.
       Hero's have to give up their own lives, their own desires, to protect and serve us, the people. These people make sure justice is served, again, in little or big ways. In the hunger games, Katniss and Gale risk their lives hunting in the forest, so the people of their town can eat.  It is a true show of devotion, acts like this, and people like this, people who are heroes, are becoming scarce. Because people in society have become selfish. Selfish and scared. People only care about what directly affects themselves, and don't really give a crap about starving children in Africa, or even say the mentally challenged kid in their neighborhood. No, people are no longer truly heroes, and when a person comes along who is willing to help, they are usually cast away as a freak or an outcast. They are shunned because their actions are misinterpreted as prying, or just outright bad.
       Sooner or later, we all die, and we give up the chance to help. We give up the chance to go down in the history books as a good guy. And some people are okay with that. I am not saying that I am a hero, I am not. I simply hope people will read this and think, maybe I should. Maybe I should be a good guy. A hero.

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