Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's a hard life

The book I am reading currently is called extremely loud and incredibly close, by Jonathan Safron Foer. The book, being about a child with autism who goes on a search for the answer to a clue left by his dad who was trapped in the second tower when the two towers fell on 9/11, is full of hard social issues. Death is a huge issue in the book. Not only does Oskar, the main character, experiance his dad dying on 9/11, but the whole thing for him is that throughout the book, Oskar meets new people who help him momentarily on his quest to solve his dads last puzzle, but then pass away. Jonathan Safron Foer almost says, what is the point of meeting new people, and forming bonds, they al just leave or die eventually. This is true, but some people say you have to remember the good times, and I agree. The point of meeting people is not to feel pain, but to feel glee, but the book really talks strongly on the subject. Another huge issue is trust. Paranoia and rumors plague Oskar throughout the book, steering him away from the truth. You can't just trust everyone, the book says, think about who you believe, and it's true. In society, you can't just believe everything you hear, you have to establish trust in people, and it is hard to trust just the right amount of people, you always trust to much, or to little, and that is why the world is not perfect. Because perfection can only be achieved through perfect ideals, and society will always fall short. But thats what makes it so beautiful. The issues it has. Imperfection is it's own kind of perfect.

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