Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm not interested

       Some people go into the woods to discover what they really want to do in life, to find their true passion, if you will. I have found that for me, learning about myself simply requires reading about one of these adventure.
       I am currently reading the book Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, which is a riveting story in which Chris McCandless A.K.A Aleander Supertramp, walks into the wild and dies, after touching the hearts of all who he hitchhiked. As not too much is known about Chris' death, the story is mostly about what Krakauer learned while talking to those who knew Chris. From what Krakauer describes, it seems that Chris was trying to get interested in life. From this I learned one thing:
       I am not interested in much. The entire story revolves around what Chris was interested in, and I found I was interested in nothing. Well, not nothing, I like baseball, skateboarding, and cooking, but I don't get season tickets, or practice every day, or learn to techniques. I'm just not one who gets amazingly enthusiastic about things. I am a drifter in life. I find little things in life that I like, and then throw them away, like a action figure under the tree on Christmas. And you know what?
     I am perfectly okay with that.


  1. lesson:
    never leave books on a table unsupervised.

    god, lilabet. you're so stupid

    -lilabet n sabibi

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Theo:
    I like the issues you touch on in this post. I feel that it is an issue that many people may feel. some things you could work on are:
    -expanding it more. it is a little short and i think you can go deeper.
    -connecting it to the world and others. there are definitely other people who feel the same way and you could touch on that more.
    - say why you are okay with that
    -elaborate on your thoughts on "Into The Wild"
    -expand on your intro
