Thursday, March 24, 2011

blah blah blah minus Ke$ha

I just finished reading a book called the diving bell and the butterfly, which is a stunningly brilliant book by a french author who's name I would rather no attempt to repeat. The author has a syndrome called locked in syndrome, which means he is completely paralyzed, except in his case he can blink his left eye. That is how the entire book was written, with someone siting next to him going through the alphabet over and over again to write out the book. It is an amazing triumph of the human spirit.

Because the author has locked in syndrome, he an not speak. When his family comes to visit him, all he can do is sit there and blink his eye over and over again, while they speak to him. Today in social studies, we learned that garment workers can not speak to each other, or else their pay is docked. Just imagine that. Days where you couldn't talk for hours, and in the case of the diving bell and the butterfly, not speak at all. The author did not utter a word for two years until he died, two days after the book was published.

I love to talk. If it were not for small breaks in class when I could chit chat with my class mates, then I would go stark raving mad. I don't see how anyone could keep themselves alive through years of not talking. I know it sounds drastic, but I would probably end up killing myself, and as I did I would attempt to mutter a few words. Talking makes my world go round. Sharing stories, cracking jokes, it's all so simple, but as we see it could easily be lost at any moment if I ever had a massive stroke. Or, if I was on my own, I would die.

Still no talking.


  1. You need to find peace within your thoughts man. As long as i could communicate i believe i would be fine. As long as i wasn't alone in my own world I wouldn't go crazy. I don't think talking is that important, just being able to share thoughts is important.

  2. Good post Theo! It's pretty interesting about the guy. I wonder how long it took him to write the book. Anyway I really liked how you explained your feelings about it. I definitely agree with you. The only thing is, WHAT WAS THE BOOK ABOUT? but yeah, SCRAW!

  3. little all over the place teddy? nice comment.

    I agree with you Theo, talk is something I find a survival skill. Its my way of spreading information. Sometimes I catch myself talking out loud to no one. over-speaking though (abby) frustrates me. Its so mind consuming (abby). I wish people would cut out 15 words a minute (abby).

  4. Hmm interesting thoughts Theo. I know that whenever I have a sore throat and am trying not to talk, I get really frustrated. In the end I usually just give up and start talking. I would probably go mad as well if I couldn't talk. The fact that that man wrote a book with the blink of an eyelid is incredible. I do wish you had mentioned the plot thought. Still an incredibly interesting and thought provoking post!
