Thursday, March 17, 2011

Steak Diane, Steak Tartar, and a whole lot of Rambling

A book about food. Two of my favorite things wrapped up into one semi - edible package. Yet this book is not a cookbook or a large 140 page recipe. No, this book is called Toast, and it is a memory of Nigel Slater's childhood, expressed through the food of his childhood. A story of his mother's death, his father's death, and his early life in cooking, summed up through Treacle Tart, Jammie Dodgers and Pickled Walnuts. Foods that proved the 70s was all show when it came down to it.

I eat a lot. When I am bored I eat. When I watch T.V. I eat. When I am getting over the death of my grandfather, a little bite to eat helps. Food has become one of the main things that our society is based on. Meat eaters, vegetarians, people who only eat Italian Food, people who hate Italian food. It used to just be food to fuel you until you needed more fuel. I guess someone finally figured out food can be delicious, and not just adequate.

I titled this post Steak Diane, Steak Tartar and a whole lot of Rambling because I will be doing just that;
Rambling. Rambling about food mainly. I absolutely love food. You know, I am writing an essay about the immigrants and food. There is surprisingly a lot you probably didn't know about immigrants and their food. Neighborhoods were divided into culture, and then a sort of food preference circle. A little cult of Pirogi Enthusiasts.

Back to the book, wouldn't it be awesome to have a childhood where you ate almost the best foods? That's what Nigel Slater did. He would have the best meals waiting for him when he got home. He wasn't spoiled or anything, he just had a good taste in food. Oh yeah,

Leave a comment below stating your favorite food/dish.


  1. Hmmm... well first, i like a lot of different types of food, but my favorite is probably Japanese. Okay so secondly, interesting thoughts on food. You are sort of right. The food we eat often says something about ourselves and our culture. Looking into someone's fridge can tell you a lot about who they are. I think you touched on something interesting and really vital when wrote about how the food we eat can define us, and how we didn't always have that. You could really expand on that idea a lot!

  2. Before I start, I would just like to say that after I read this I went and got a cookie. Probably because you were talking about food and like you said, you eat when you're bored. It's kind of interesting to see why people eat, not just what and when. To see if there is a reason behind it. But I have a question. How does food relate to your book? I'm kind of confused about that, otherwise, interesting post.

  3. right now all i can think about is my dinner from last night - skate with browned butter and a root vegetable medley, with sliced caper berries on top. yum. food is fascinating.
