Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bunch of crazy guys + 1 crazy mental ward = crazy adventures

What exactly defines the word crazy? some people will say crazy is when your are mentally unstable and a danger to society. Other times it's when your friend rolls across a populated street on his back, and is a danger to society. Either way, they're a danger to society. That similar characteristic brings Billy Bibbit, Dr. Harding, and the rest of the gang together at the ward in the book One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kessy

An all - American classic, set in the 60's in a mental ward. A man who is set on trial for rape, declares himself mentally unstable, and is admitted into a mental hospital and almost immediately disrupts the well oiled machined run by miss Ratched, the nurse. The man makes it his personal duty to drive the nurse and her co - workers to the brink of insanity. How ironic.

Until this man comes along, miss Ratched has everything perfectly under control. Everything is set just to her liking, and her fake smile plastered to her face keeps everyone in check. She is the monarch of the ward. She has power.

How intoxicating is power? People who run countries are soon overwhelmed by the fact they literally can run everything in their monarchy, or even democratic society. World leaders, people with any political power are easily subdued by powers looks an luxuries. So are people with any power at all. Directors, bosses, people who run mental hospitals. The fact that they run things gives them that want for power.

Soon, some of us will run things, and try and run them to their liking. That is perfectly understandable, simply do so in moderation. As the son of a Jazz bassist and a Union dance therapist, i ask you to check yourself.

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