Thursday, March 31, 2011

I wasn't interested for a while

For my revision blog post, Eamon (my partner), told me to basically expand on my thoughts on a blog post from December 2010, and to relate it to other things. Here is my best attempt at a blog revision:

I read a book a while ago, and it was about a young adult named Chris McCandless or something, I really can't remember, but this book was called Into the Wild. In it, this young adult went out into the woods of Alaska, and eventually died to the annoyance of myself, who was really rooting he would live, even after reading the blurb.

The main thing I pointed out in my post was that Chris went where he did, mainly because he was not interested in his current life. It bored him to such an extent, they he left his cushy Ivy League college, and his wealthy family, to live of the earth. It really got me thinking about how I really wasn't interested in anything myself. Not like Chris, where I would leave my family to try and find myself, but in they way where I suddenly became utterly depressed over the idea that I was in no way interested in anything.

A sinking feeling is a feeling you would always like to avoid. It just makes you go down and down and down. Fortunately enough for me, I sprung back up from that dark place with a new found enthusiasm. The idea that has since it's invention, become the slogan of hundreds of people. The idea of "so what?". So what if I am killing my brain cells from playing video games? So what if I am destroying my legs from crouching behind the plate for hours a week (that's what catchers do)? So what if I forget almost everything I am supposed to do?

It all doesn't matter anymore;

Cause I'm not interested.

(Link to original post)

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